Tuesday 8 July 2014

What are you excited about? Here are a few things that are making me smile at the moment:

Hello all you beautiful people out there! Oh my word, so much has happened since I last wrote on here. I should, I want to, write more, and from now on I am going to make a point of it to dash down my thoughts and feelings about my creative journey and the art world more often. 

I am expanding my horizons, getting my feelers out into this scary, daunting, exciting, constantly changing art world, and soon will have much more to write about it! I would also really love to hear back from my readers so if you get a chance drop me a comment so I can know your thoughts as well :) You can also ask me anything, or what you would like to read about and I'll make a plan!

This post is all about things that are exciting me and one of those things is that me and my awesomeness boyfriend recently celebrated our 2years&8months montheversary and it makes me so happy that we have come so far and climbed over so many mountains and grew so much together. We obviously celebrated by playing pokemon cards for two days straight and it was amazing! Because we tend to always work or watch series in our breaks and we haven't played a game together in forever. So that's the first thing that excites me. Now lets turn to art related stuffs shall we?

As I mentioned before, the Sasol New Signature art competition is coming up pretty soon and I am psyched, I have chosen the paintings that I want to enter, with a little help from my Instagram and Facebook page friends! Haha, if you would like to go put in a vote for which two paintings you like the most and think I should enter just go to my Instagram or my Facebook page :)

Also, although I didn't get a chance to enter the actual competition, the Absa L'Atelier Gala Event is coming up soon and I am going and am excited to be a part of it in just that way. I'll get to meet and talk to some artists and curators and it fits in perfectly with my top secret mission that I am on, that I can't give away yet ;) But it is awesome. And I get to show my artist face and have a presence in the actual real life art world. Exciting - I think YES!

I have a thesis (for my art intervention class) and a lot of other assignments (for my top secret mission) to write at the moment so I am struggling to make time for painting. But time-management skills - I will concur you!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I love this so much! You and Dyls are so cute! Good luck for the New Signature art competition - and your thesis and the assignments for your top secret mission too! xx
