Thursday 5 February 2015

Don't forget to live the life TODAY that you will remember tomorrow

Time goes by SO fast. Days trickle by like rain drops, one by one, till you have an ocean of memories from the past... which is gone now. Hold on to the wonderful people, who make you smile, who put a smile on your face and excitement in your chest. I miss my friends, I miss allnighters in our tiniest filled-with-the-smell-of-my-5L-glue-tubs-and-her-stopmotionanimation-sets-and-EVERYTHING art studio with the craziest loveliest fuzz ball beautiful girl with the longest hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. I miss those times we climbed the trees at Tuks and at my Dad's house on my birthday.... Remember that time we almost DIED trying to be good and go to a gallery... when I still had the pink bakkie, HA. Remember the cold nights at AfricaBurn and that time before we really knew each other when I helped you to the doctor because no one else thought it necessary yet you were HALF DEAD! I'm glad you made it. You made my life more complete. I miss you SO MUCH.

We moved to Somerset West 29 December 2014. My bubblewrapped paintings are gathering dust at my Dad's house back in the Vaal. So I bought a new canvas recently. After settling in, finding my feet. Started a new job! It is really awesome. But everyone back home keeps asking, "Are you still painting?" and saying "Promise you won't stop painting!".... I never intended to, but time goes by SO fast. And it's been months already. Good thing I started again. I drew, I need to add some paint now. I never even got to finish my last painting. Hopefully my Mom can bring it when they bring down most of our stuff with the big move coming up end February. I love the photo of my new piece in the setting sun. Was probably around 8ish, since that is when it is dusk down here in Summer. Don't let this one gather dust San-Marí.

My uncle sent me the most thoughtful picture I'd like to share with you - I think every artist would appreciate seeing this message at one point or another in their lives as artists:

Don't stop. Even for a second. Okay, even for a day. Paint or draw or be creative, Or you might wake up to find weeks and months have past. Time is a trickster. It takes ages to get by when we are little children - before we wipe our eyes we are adults (25 anyone?), we moved to a new city, without our Mom and Dad and Grandparents and friends.... we start new jobs and live our lives - don't neglect that vital part of you, your creative spirit, don't let it gather dust, don't get too busy to do what you've dreamt of since you were a little kid, because when you wink you will be old and epic and mostly you will be living on the memories of the people who aren't close by anymore and the things you used to love to do and you will wonder why it's been so long since you've done them. "Nothing lasts forever". Don't forget to live the life TODAY that you will remember tomorrow. Don't forget to paint. And call your Grandma to say I love you.

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